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Looking for a Frank Lloyd Wright? You Have 30 Days...

The David S. Wright Home in Arcadia, Arizona. Photo via Curbd LA.

According to a local Arizona news channel, a home Frank Lloyd Wright designed for his son, David S. Wright, is on the chopping block.

The house, located in Arcadia, Arizona, was purchased earlier this year by developers who plan to demolish the site – unless a buyer steps forth within the next 30 days.

The circular house is rather unique for Wright as an architect, and holds special significance for the Wright family. As Frank’s great-granddaughter, Anne Wright Levi, who often visited the house growing up, shared with 3TV: “This house is a piece of history, it represents a piece of Arizona that Frank Lloyd Wright loved so much. This house was the community before the community was here, and it should be saved.”

So, how much will this piece of history cost you? Well, the developers bought the property for $1.8 million, so you can expect to dish out at least the same. But what’s a couple million when it comes to preserving a piece of architectural history?

Story via Yahoo News

About this author
Cite: Vanessa Quirk. "Looking for a Frank Lloyd Wright? You Have 30 Days..." 20 Jul 2012. ArchDaily. Accessed 24 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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