The proposal for the Ajoodaniyeh Tower by Kamvari Architects seeks to use traditional design within Iran as a means of addressing performance criteria within a high-rise. With the intention of analyzing unique aspects of traditional architecture specific to the region, they combine these with advanced design methods to produce a novel proposal for the site and our client. More images and architects’ description after the break.
The use of electromechanical devices to cool and heat buildings has become common place within Iran and the region, Tehran’s climate of cold winters and hot summers further Exacerbate this issue. In our design proposal we take a very critical view towards this, the building envelope and from have been designed in such a away to be able to control the amount of solar radiation entering each floor plate as well as reduce cooling loads through the use of natural ventilation.

We have used and analyzed traditional means of design in Iran in order to be able to fine tune our proposal. The wide use of wind catchers within the hot climate of Iran to produced naturally ventilated and maintained internal condition points toward a sustained method of reducing energy consumption in our proposals. These aspects, in addition to the proposal’s unique geometrical definition, allows the scheme to stand out within its context and begin to become a new icon within Tehran skyline.

Architects: Kamvari Architects Location: Tehran, Iran Project Director: Omid Kamvari Project Team: Nikoletta Poulimeni , Mehrad Mahnia ,Nazanin Behboodikhah, Maryam Mivehchi, Mona Mirzaie