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PointCrowd: RhinoScripting in Python


PointCrowd is a RhinoScripting workshop using the remarkably easy to learn Python programming language that is available in the upcoming release of Rhino 5. This three week mini-course will start with the basics of programming and move into the mathematics of space and Rhino’s representation of geometry. The workshop is designed specifically for architects and designers with little or no programming experience or those interested in learning a new platform for expressing geometrical ideas algorithmically. Anyone with a good working knowledge of Rhino is welcome.

Workshop Topics:

Automation: Increase your efficiency by programming Rhino to complete tedious drawing and modeling tasks. Optimization: Create a better design product by testing and improving your models against physical conditions like light and circulation. Generative Design: Work through complex geometric ideas using simple Python scripts.

The class will also touch on topics such as scripting in Grasshopper and interfacing with other programs. Sessions will be held in DUMBO, Brooklyn on Monday and Thursday evenings from 6:30-10pm to fit into the schedule of working professionals. Register by May 7th to save $100. Please visit for details.

About this author
Cite: Sebastian Jordana. "PointCrowd: RhinoScripting in Python" 04 May 2012. ArchDaily. Accessed 28 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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