The Invasion of Architectural LOLCats

Le Kittenusier'

We hope these architectural LOLCats will help you through your Monday. They have been appearing all over the internet and invading all of our favorite architectural icons, courtesy of the students at UC Berkeley. Follow us after the break to view a few of our favorites.

Find more and submit your own on furrocious-forms.

The Birds Nest by Purrzog and deMeowron
Louis Kittahn
Libeskitten finds out the hard way.
The Purrrgenheim
The Classic Falling Kittens
Rem Koolpaws
Thermeow Vals - Peter Zumthor
Wurster Scratching Post, our home sweet home

Via Archinect

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Cite: Karissa Rosenfield. "The Invasion of Architectural LOLCats " 02 Apr 2012. ArchDaily. Accessed . <> ISSN 0719-8884

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