So I just asked a simple question. “Are there any Architecture terms or phrases that sound unintentionally ….. ummm… dirty?”
Yep, 12 hours later I had 150 responses. The internet is awesome. And, you guys are disgusting.
So, here goes, I’ll list the terms I have so far. In fact, I’ll even include a pdf you can print and post in the breakroom – (HERE >> architecturesoundsdirty).
Feel free to add more in the comment section down there, or you can tweet them with the hashtag #architecturesoundsdirty
Scheduling the hardware Nailing studs Pipe penetrations Fire-rated penetrations Thru-wall penetrations Undulating facades Undifferentiated wedge
. I know… I know… I’m sorry { coffee with an architect } . . photo is from splorp’s photostream on flickr (used under creative commons license)