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Houston’s historic Prudential Building destroyed Sunday


Sunday implosions marked the end of the Houston historic landmark. Originally opened in 1952 by the Prudential Insurance Co., the building represented a new era of national and international dominance for the city of Houston. Serving as the southwest regional office for the insurance company until the 1970s, the 20-story building was the tallest high-rise office building outside of downtown Houston.

Continue reading for more information on the historic Prudential building.

The 500,000 square-foot facility was purchased by M.D. Anderson in 1974. Soon after, the University of Texas renamed it the Houston Main Building (HMB) as it provided offices for the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. In recent years, a crack in the foundation was reportedly too costly to repair and the employees where moved out in March of 2010. The building was officially closed April 1, 2010 and interior demolition began immediately.

The beloved 1950s building has been officially been destroyed. The site is planned to become a new home for a clinical building that will connect the Dan L. Ducan Building and the Lowry and Peggy Mays Clinic. Unfortunately, construction will not start anytime soon and the lot will join a rapidly growing list of vacant spaces throughout the city. It is said that the lot will be temporarily used as a park space.


About this author
Cite: Karissa Rosenfield. "Houston’s historic Prudential Building destroyed Sunday" 09 Jan 2012. ArchDaily. Accessed 19 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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