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Video: Nicanor Parra Library / Mathias Klotz, by Cristobal Palma


Architectural photographer Cristobal Palma shared with us his latest video: The Nicanor Parra Library by Chilean architect Mathias Klotz. This new building will serve as the main library for the Diego Portales University, designed as a state of the art green facility awarded with the Green Good Design 2010 award.

This video is part of a series of recent productions by Cristobal Palma, a dynamic way to see the buildings in detail and while in use. You can see other videos by Palma previously featured at AD:

Based in Santiago, Chile, Cristobal’s work spans architecture, urban and documentary photography. He studied at London’s Architectural Association School of Architecture (AA), and his work has been published in numerous titles internationally, with recent commissions by: The New York Times, Monocle, Wallpaper, Domus, Dwell and Architectural Digest. He lives in Santiago, Chile, and works both with architects in Chile and abroad.

About this author
Cite: David Basulto. "Video: Nicanor Parra Library / Mathias Klotz, by Cristobal Palma" 21 Nov 2011. ArchDaily. Accessed 25 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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