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CTBUH11 Competition Proposal / Ajmona Hoxha, Elis Vathi

CTBUH11 Competition Proposal / Ajmona Hoxha, Elis Vathi - Image 1 of 14
Courtesy of Ajmona Hoxha, Elis Vathi, Klodiana Millona

The project proposal for the first CTBUH international student design competition by Ajmona Hoxha and Elis Vathi aims to redefine the gap created between the two extreme social classes of India as the widening income gap between the rich and the poor over the years has raised fears of a social backlash. Since it is highly noticed that the difference between the rich and the poor is displayed not only in the social life but at a major grade on the physical environment, there is a need for redirecting social organization by creating a new environment. Displacement of the concentrated power of the narrow rich circles to wider masses would be achieved by strong physical means. More images and project description after the break.

The site of the proposal is situated purposely in front of the tallest building in New Delhi. The proposal provides housing, farms and markets supplying facilities for the poor masses, which in the other part confronts the tallest building accommodating a privileged part of a society in commercial use. So in this case the role of Tall Buildings is redefined from providing space for commercial uses to also include satisfying residential needs. The project examines a possible redirection of social organization by new environment, in which the Tallness of the building influences the change of the skyline by giving “power” to the poor.

CTBUH11 Competition Proposal / Ajmona Hoxha, Elis Vathi - Image 2 of 14
Courtesy of Ajmona Hoxha, Elis Vathi, Klodiana Millona

The building is composed by small blocks of house units repeated in vertical and horizontal direction with common green public spaces placed between them. These units are planned to be an ecosystem of products and solutions designed around the real needs of the inhabitants. Each roof is covered with an inexpensive solar panel and also equipped with a battery for the lighting of the house. At the same time the battery also serves as power source for the mobile phone.

CTBUH11 Competition Proposal / Ajmona Hoxha, Elis Vathi - Image 3 of 14
Courtesy of Ajmona Hoxha, Elis Vathi, Klodiana Millona

These units are projected to facilitate their maintenance by economic means. They are shifted from each other for solar gain purposes. To increase the interaction between dwellers of the building a great number of public areas are placed all over the proposed object. Based on the high level of water pollution in India an inexpensive filtering system for air and water is applied. Also its green facade is covered with vegetation that filters rain water and releases oxygen into the atmosphere. As India ranks second worldwide in farm output independent agricultural fields in vertical height are placed. To create space for their products, markets will be placed in the ground, emphasized by the specific layout of the building that accommodates them.

CTBUH11 Competition Proposal / Ajmona Hoxha, Elis Vathi - Image 4 of 14
Courtesy of Ajmona Hoxha, Elis Vathi, Klodiana Millona

Architects: Ajmona Hoxha, Elis Vathi Location: New Delhi, India Project Year: 2011 Discipline: Skyscraper, Architecture, Interior, Landscape, Urban design Program: Housing, Market Architectural Style: Futuristic, Parametric Design Construction Type: Concrete Motive: Competition entry

About this author
Cite: Alison Furuto. "CTBUH11 Competition Proposal / Ajmona Hoxha, Elis Vathi" 23 Oct 2011. ArchDaily. Accessed 24 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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