Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation (GSAPP) will launch Studio-X Rio this week with Dean Mark Wigley in attendance. Studio-X Rio is GSAPP’s global network of advanced research laboratories for exploring the future of cities. With locations in Amman, Beijing, Moscow, Mumbai, New York, and now Rio de Janeiro, it is the first truly global network for real-time exchange of projects, people, and ideas between regional leadership cities in which the best minds from Columbia University can think together with the best minds in Latin America, the Middle East, Africa, Eastern Europe, and Asia.
“Studio-X Rio is the first genuinely global network for thinking about the future of cities, incubating a whole new kind of conversation in which Rio de Janeiro will play a leadership role,” said Dean Wigley. “The most creative new ideas will be coming from Rio. Every urban problem is a fantastic opportunity for new thinking by a new generation.”
Studio-X Rio Opening Events: March 16 — 18, 2011 Centro Carioca de Design Praça Tiradentes 48 Centro, Rio de Janeiro 200060-070 Brazil Free and Open to Public
For more information about Studio-X Rio click here.