As we told you on a previous article, Italian firm sTARTT has been selected as the winner of the YAP summer installation at the MAXXI museum in Rome, as the result of a partnership with the MoMA and the MoMA P.S.1.
sTARTT’s entry WHATAMI is based on the manufacturing of an artificial archipelago-hill, generating smaller green areas in the garden and potentially outside the museum. The hill works as a garden, injecting “green” into the concrete plateau of the museum’s outdoor space, allowing it to serve as a stage and/or parterre for concerts and other events, or as a space to rest and look at the museum itself.
The artificial landscape will be punctuated by large “flowers” providing light, shadow, water, and sound. The materials proposed for the installation involve a two-fold recycling process, the supplying of the materials for the construction (straw, geo-textile, plastic) and the dismantling of the “hill” (turf, lighting).

stARTT is the brainchild of Simone Capra and Claudio Castaldo, a practice with interesting projects that move between landscape, city, infrastructure, and context. On this project they worked with Francesco Colangeli, Andrea Valentini and Massimo Brizzarielli worked as green consultants.
More details after the break.